Aggressors and victims in a war situation
Who is the victim and who is the aggressor when war breaks out? Adherents of nationalism – including those on the left – always have a simple but wrong answer. In war, they say, there is always one nation or people who is the aggressor and another nation or people who is the victim. But…
Support for deserters creates a rupture in the war construction
In the past, I have decided to sell off a collection of LP/ EP and also raise money for war refugees during the free distribution of my publication “Tato kniha není (z)boží“. So far I have raised 7 467 Kč (=298 Euros) in this way. I will put all this money into the fundrising for…
I propose a solution
Rumour has it that after the incident at the anarchist bookfair in Graz I am waiting for another opportunity to use violence against the person in question again. But what is the reality? I have encountered him at least three times since then. Twice in a music club, once on a train. When that happened,…
Navrhuju řešení
Proslýchá se, že po incidentu na anarchistickém bookfairu v Grazu čekám na další příležitost, abych proti dotyčné osobě znovu použil násilí. Jaká je však skutečnost? Od té doby jsem se s ním setkal nejméně třikrát. Dvakrát v hudebním klubu, jednou ve vlaku. Když se to stalo, už jsem s ním nekomunikoval ani nepoužil násilí. Kdybych…
/ Mein Lieblingszitat / Můj oblíbený citát / My favorite quote /
Die russische Invasion in der Ukraine sorgte für große Verwirrung innerhalb der Linken. Die NATO galt vielen plötzlich als Schutzmacht der Schwachen und Unterdrückten. Gleiches wurde über die ukrainische Armee behauptet, die als antifaschistische Guerilla inszeniert wurde, der man Opfer und Waffen erbringen müsse. Der westliche Imperialismus schien über Nacht rehabilitiert. Seine Staaten konnten, ohne…
“Cancel culture” and its destructive power that serves the manipulators
I have again seen intense attempts to isolate me and push me out of my social environment. For example, there are statements coming from several places that manipulatively try to convince some collectives to deny me access to their spaces, actively ostracize and excommunicate me. The pretext for such actions was the conflict that occurred…
A commentary on graffiti created by an “unknown” artist
I used to think that everything had limits. But when I saw the graffiti in the attached photo, I thought that the political confusion of the artist was absolutely limitless. Incorporating an anarchist symbol into the name of a state, that takes a great deal of deranged. Perhaps the author does not know that anarchy…
Statement of solidarity with the attacked anti-militarist
source: antimilitarismus.noblogs.org We have received news that one of the most active Czech anti-militarists and our friend Lukáš was physically attacked by a militant anti-fascist in Prague. He is fine, but in the end he “only” took a few cuts. We thank everyone who stood up for him on the spot. The reason for the…
I will not be intimidated
In the past, I have published an extensive analysis of how specific individuals and groups try to isolate me, attack my private life, they’re threatening my safety and sabotage the Anti-militarist activities I engage in. One of the examples given was a description of how a member of the Trhlina infoshop and the Anarchistická federace…
Context of the Incident at the Graz Anarchist Bookfair
– PDF – / Česky / Español / Deutsch / From the 19th to 21st September, the Anarchist Bookfair took place in the Austrian town of Graz, which I actively attended since I was invited by the organisation’s collective. During the bookfair an incident took place between me and another person. That day, it all…
Fenix Trial Update for Jan 2025 / Další soud v kauze Fénix 2
In January 2025, another hearing will take place at the District Court in Most in the Fénix 2 case. The trial will be held on Monday, January 27 and Tuesday, January 28, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on both days. Recall that four anarchists and one environmentalist are charged with offenses punishable by 3 to…
Myths and the truth about the enemies of our enemies
(česky) Let me start by asking a question: Are the enemies of our enemies automatically our friends and allies? This is a question that people have always asked themselves when deciding with whom and how to ally in pursuit of their goals. Even today, questions of this kind are relevant to us. For example:…
How many more corpses do you need to understand what’s going on?
War has always been a paramount question for the proletariat. It constitutes the ultimate degree of capitalist exploitation and oppression. It’s no longer just labor which capital demands from the exploited, but their very life or that of their children. So it cuts through all the radical verbiage and shows where one really stands. Your…
Money for anarchists, necklace for Lukashenko
Some time ago, a decision was made to raise funds for the anarchists being prosecuted in so-called Belarus. First there was a tattoo fundraiser and later a fundraising D.I.Y. book published under the title “Words Against Isolation or As Long As There Are Prisons, Let’s Write Letters.” So far, these activities have raised 700 euro.…
Words against isolation: a benefit for persecuted anarchists in Belarus
On Tuesday, January 11, 2022, a D.I.Y. book was published under the title “Words Against isolation or As Long As There Are Prisons, Let’s Write Letters”. There are two main reasons to create this publication. First is to motivate people to write to prisoners, while obtaining funds for anarchists imprisoned in so-called Belarus. On 110…
Possibilities of pressure on the dictatorial regime in Belarus
Reflections not only on how to improve the situation of imprisoned anarchists in so-called Belarus, but also on how to contribute to the fall of the local dictatorship.
Open letter in support of Belarus anarchist revolutionaries
What’s happened? On October 22 in Soligorsk (Belarus) administrative building of State committee of forensic examination was attacked and cars were set on fire at the parking lot of Soligorsk district prosecutor’s office. On the night of October 28 the building of traffic police department of Mozyr district police department was set on fire. Soon…
Trial with the accused in Fenix 2
zdroj: abcnews.noblogs.org On April 8th, 10th and 12th, 2019, the trial with 4 anarchists and one environmentalist accused in operation Fenix 2 will be taking place at the district court of Most, every day at 8:30 a.m. Come to support them at the courthouse or by any solidarity action. Let them know you are not…
How long will last the exploitation of prisoners by the police and courts?
If there’s somebody forced to work for somebody else under the threat of violence, it’s something that we usually call enslavement or exploitation. However, if Czech police and courts use this practice, they call it differently: preparation of the convicted for their jobs and helping the state. There’s no point in arguing about appropriate words,…
All power to the imagination?
source: antifenix.noblogs.org When extensive strikes and workers’ and students’ riots took place in France at 1968, one of the slogans back then was “All power to the imagination”. Czech police and courts now have their own interpetation. They assert their authority through fostering their own imagination. When police wanted the arrest warrant on me, their…
New accusations: Fenix 2 is spinning up
source: antifenix.noblogs.org It was quite clear, that releasing Lukáš Borl from the prison doesn’t mean the end of another continuing of Fenix operation. More precisely Fenix 2 (The case of Lukas Borl). One of the charges brought against Lukáš is establishing, supporting and spreading a movement leading to suppressing human rights and freedoms. But the…
Lukáš is released
antifenix.noblogs.org Lukáš Borl, an anarchist imprisoned in remand since September 2016 was released on bail today. That means that he will wait for the court outside of the prison walls. It is the first time since the beginning of the operation Fenix when no anarchist is in so called Czech republic held in prison.
Solidarity gesture for the 6 recently imprisoned comrades in Italy, and Lukáš Borl in Czech Republic (Greece, Athens)
325.nostate.net As a gesture of solidarity with the recently imprisoned comrades in Italy and in Czech Republic, we hung a banner in Athens, writing: Armed attack until the total destruction of authority and enforcement for all the imprisoned anarchist brothers, for all our stolen moments SOLIDARITY & COMPLICITY WITH THE RECENTLY IMPRISONED COMRADES IN ITALY…
Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Lukas Borl in solidarity to the prison uprising in the United States
antifenix.noblogs.org Hello. My name is Lukáš Borl. I am 34 years old and recently I am held in custody prison in Czech republic – Europe. I am an anarchist and I express my solidarity with all oppressed and exploited people around the World regardless their origin, sexual orientation or gender. From this perspective I decided…
Defense of the anarchist perspective
antifenix.noblogs.org I have already described my suspicions about police chasing me. To avoid it I live out of their reach but conscious that anyways I can end up in prison soon. I wish this text would be spread with all the info channels of the anarchist movement already. I want to take any chance to…
Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Lukas Borl
antifenix.noblogs.org On Sunday, September 4th, 2016, I was arrested by the police in Most and then taken to the remand prison in Litomerice. Unfortunately it happened what I did not want to, but knew all along that this may occur at any time. Fortunately, I have mentally prepared myself for such situation so it allows…
Noise for an imprisoned anarchist
antifenix.noblogs.org Noise demo by the prison walls where an anarchist Lukas Borl is being held. Lukas and us send solidarity to striking prisoners in the USA. More info about him is here. To know more about repression against radicals in Czech and anarchist resistance against it, check ANTIFENIX.cz
A-Radio Berlin: Interview on the repression against anarchists in Czech
antifenix.noblogs.org You can listen to the interview here. From A-Radio Berlin:
Police captured anarchist comrade Lukáš Borl
325.nostate.net On Sunday, September 4th, police captured our comrade Lukáš Borl. Lukáš is an anarchist who has lived in underground for about a year, due to previous intense surveillance. On Monday September 5th the court sent him to custody jail. State attorney, Naďa Voláková, commented on the case for the Czech News Agency: “I confirm…
Videoreport z hlukové demo // Videoreport from a noise demonstration
Včera v noci se skupinka několika přátel sešla před vazební věznicí v Litoměřicích, aby pozdravila a podpořila zadrženého anarchistu Lukáše Borla. Tato malá demo je důkazem, že i malá skupina lidí může udělat pořadný kravál, který lidé drženi za mřížemi nemohou přeslechnout. Jakákoliv další podpora je vítána. SVOBODU PRO LUKÁŠE, PRYČ S VĚZENÍMI! …………. Last…
Disappearing the state control
I´m an anarchist, a rebel and this means so much to me. Among others also that i´m threatened by those against which I fight. Besides other rebels it´s more complicated with us, anarchists. The threat is always here for us and it doesn´t matter what time or place we live in – in the position…
Lukas Borl – Catch me if you can
antifenix.noblogs.org A long term anarchist organizer from the city of Most, one of the 11 people arrested during the first night of Fenix, Lukas Borl announced that he went underground in autumn 2015. He stated that he couldn’t bear the spying and nonstop monitoring by the state agents. Lukas was worried that he would end…
Another response on the call for International Solidarity
antifenix.noblogs.org By the infoshop “Bokcafét” in Stockholm, in so called Sweden there was an echo of what is going on in Czech Republic… We saw Lukas Borl, who is currently hiding in the “poetry” section of the book shop. Still riding on the strong stallion of solidarity… We offered him a vegan burger, which I…
We’re in this still together
There was some false informations spread on the internet about me collaborating with neonazis and cops. I am very grateful to all anarchists who approach the situation with touch and reason. Thank to everybody who disprove the lies which are to discredit me. It is encouraging to see that this situation doesn’t cause loss of…
Response on the lies spread about our comrade Lukas Borl
On several profiles, blogs and web pages we saw that our comrade – 100% trusted person and friend LUKAS BORL is accused from being a collaborator with Nazis and giving information to cops. Also someone started FAKE Facebook profile under Lukas’ name. All of this is a COMPLETE LIE! These fake messages are probably spread…
Confirmed: Lukáš Borl under police investigation
On 24th October 2015 was my article published on the Association of Alerta’s website. Where I‘ve expressed the suspicion that the police want to arrest me and imprison me. This suspicion has become the reason of my disappearance from the perspective of the state power. In less than a month after the publication, my suspicions…