Who is Lukáš Borl? He was born on March 1, 1982 in the North Bohemian town of Most and grew up in a working-class family. In 1998 he first started to encounter the theory and practice of anarchism, mainly through the collective Aktivita Cabaret Voltaire (ACV). Later he was also involved in other organizations, squats and initiatives from the anarchist milieu.
- Federace sociálních anarchistů (FSA) – Federace anarchistických skupin (FAS)
- Squat Viktorie
- Squat Milada
- Československá anarchistická federace (ČSAF) – Anarchistická federace (Afed)
- Squat Palác Sofia
- Asociace Alerta (AsAl)
- Mostecká solidární síť (MSS)
- Komunitní centrum Ateneo
- Anarchist black cross (CZ)
- AntiFénix
- Squat Bublina
- Antimilitaristická iniciativa (AMI)
- Make Tattoo Not War
On 28 April 2015, he was arrested along with other anarchists in the police operation Phoenix (in czech Operace Fénix). He was charged with founding, supporting and promoting the Síť revolučních buňek (SRB) (Network of Revolutionary Cells), damaging someone else’s property, extortion and altering an official document. He spent nearly 8 months in detention but was acquitted of most of the charges during his trial. The verdict is not yet final because the prosecutor, Václav Richter, appealed on the spot.
publications, drawings, videos
- drawings, tattoos and piercings vagabundtattoo.cz
- Slovy proti izolaci: benefice pro stíhané anarchisty v Bělorusku
- Tato kniha není (z)boží
- Souvislosti incidentu na Graz anarchist bookfair
- Context of the Incident at the Graz Anarchist Bookfair
- Bitvy o Miladu 1998 – 2012
e-mail: vagabundtattoo@riseup(DOT)net